WHY AN EMPTY PLATE? A Beginner's Guide to Intermittent Fasting

Booklet One, “Quick Guides to Better Health” series Why An Empty Plate - A Beginner's Guide to Intermittent Fasting

Tammy Mc Donald, CNP, CPT, NNCP  |  Digital PDF, 26 pages

About the Book
Fasting is technically part of our everyday lives when we are not eating between meals. Extending that “no eating” window is perhaps the oldest and most powerful dietary intervention imaginable, and in it lies important therapeutic potential. Discover the benefits of Intermittent Fasting today with this easy read quick guide, Booklet One in the “Quick Guides to Better Health” series.


EATING AWAY: Food Plan Travel Tips for Life on the Go

Booklet Two, “Quick Guides to Better Health” series

Tammy Mc Donald, CNP, CPT, NNCP  |  Digital PDF, 6 pages

About the Booklet
A basic survival guide for staying on track with your new low carb lifestyle. Sticking to a meal plan at home is one thing, but taking it on the road... in restaurants, at work, at social events.. that can be a whole new ballgame. Don't let social pressures get you down. Get the tools in your toolbox to manage any occasion with this easy read quick guide, Booklet Two in the “Quick Guides to Better Health” series.